Valve Invites Onward Dev to Studios – Load the adventure

Onward, the VR military simulator that has been released captured, provides a particularly important fan: Valve. Dante Buckley developed and is constantly on the refine the experience by himself, and Valve just yesterday invited him to carry on concentrating on Onward within their offices in January 2017.

For individuals that haven’t played Onward or don’t know anything regarding it, this announcement means a whole lot in the future of multiplayer games. Valve has historically been on the leading edge of multiplayer (think Counter-Strike, Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress, Dota 2), this guide they elect to support Dante Buckley and his awesome creation means that believe that in Onward’s potential.

Valve’s invitation is available as a shock to a lot of for the reason that reasoning behind WASD movement in VR is usually a taboo for many people developers. Most VR games demand player to teleport and move inside of a confined space, but Onward allows players to move everywhere like they’d which has a traditional keyboard or controller. Many players have reported cases of VR sickness as a result of WASD locomotion, even so the interest that Valve has in Onward means that omnidirectional locomotion in VR games are usually refined thus it feels natural to players.

Aside from Valve’s invitation, Buckley recently posted during the Steam community forums, and asserted that he has “been reading and staying up to date with the community’s suggestions and even bug reports, and more updates/patches have how. A different patch should be out soon, however i should want to do and a tests.”

Many questions remain. Since Onward is just like Counter-Strike, specifically what does official Valve support mean into the future of Counter-Strike? Will Onward remain independent and completely totally different from Counter-Strike, or will both share tricks to constitute the team shooter for the future?

2016 has become a 2010 very significant year for VR technology, however it appears like it’s intending to make even more progress in 2017.

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