Pointed out by an observant NeoGAF user, up to date installment in Bandai Namco’s long-running compilation of JRPGs Tales of Zestiria briefly appeared during the Steam database. Your opportunity was then quickly changed to only “TOZ,” however the original listing was caught by Google Cache. Evidently Bandai Namco might be bringing their fifteenth installment of the Tales series to PC under western culture through Steam if it releases later this current year.
This could, the truth is, become a new strategy by Bandai Namco. The firm announced last year the fact that PlayStation exclusive One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 can be located on PC in western territories. Inside the relatively sub-market of JRPGs, some type of computer port could increase interest and accessibility on the respected series. It particularly is a good idea when it comes to that Tales of Zestiria will only be released on Xbox 360 rather then on next-gen. With that summer, while the last generation will still?be relatively relevant, lots more people may have begun to upgrade to PlayStation 4, leaving Tales of Zestiria floating in limbo for the outdated system. Steam would allow potential players to find the experience without needing to maintain their old PlayStation.
Tales of Zestiria was already released in Japan last month with successful sales and is also due out under western culture for Xbox 360 only on a still to remain disclosed date come early july. You assumes the part of Sorey, a guy gifted with powers by a mysterious race of spirits known as the Seraphim. Sorey must journey to free the land from creatures often called Hellion who’re spawned from negative emotions. There is been recently some controversy covering the character of Alisha, who leaves the party early and not returns. The smoothness has since used an after-story DLC which was?readily available for free in Japan for a few weeks as a way to celebrate the game’s 20th anniversary.